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Top 50 surnames (total individuals):

Leavitt (59,843)
Rice (26,641)
Smith (26,422)
Conger (26,208)
MILLER (20,320)
Brown (13,742)
Sage (12,258)
Jones (12,083)
Johnson (12,024)
PERRY (11,872)
Axtell (11,444)
Burger (9,982)
Williams (9,543)
Davis (9,398)
CLARK (8,350)
Taylor (7,982)
Wilson (7,827)
Adams (7,673)
Allen (7,414)
Wright (7,371)
WHITE (7,334)
Lee (6,916)
THOMPSON (6,611)
Yoder (6,495)
Baker (6,368)
Schmidt (6,305)
HALL (6,263)
Corfield (6,065)
Anderson (5,953)
Martin (5,883)
Howe (5,617)
MOORE (5,609)
Thomas (5,518)
unk (5,314)
Estabrooks (5,219)
Robinson (5,046)
Young (4,995)
Harris (4,976)
Rogers (4,942)
WOOD (4,803)
Hill (4,778)
Hewett (4,724)
Cook (4,638)
Cox (4,634)
Roberts (4,588)
Lewis (4,398)
FISHER (4,359)
Parker (4,348)
Hunt (4,301)
Starr (4,297)
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